
02:57 Dec 21st, 2015


XP: 3,140,600
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New games and tournament!

Hello, Moneyz here,
I have exciting news! I will be making new mastermind games listed "mastermind1 mastermind2... etc" After each game is won by a victor i will quickly create a new one. I will also create a new game if the preexisting game is full. The whole reason for this is to ensure that everyone has a game to play in. I hate how sometimes theres no open games, and then i cannot play, so i want to make it different.
If this frequent game thing becomes a "Thing", I am thinking of hosting a tournament. where there will be 1-3 games for the first round, and then the top two players from each game will be selected to play in the Final tournament round which will be locked with a password.

What do you guys think? Any changes? or suggestions?

00:41 Dec 23rd, 2015


XP: 93,300
LVL: 8
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Posts: 1


18:50 Dec 26th, 2015


XP: 3,140,600
LVL: 13
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Posts: 18

Come January I will create a new game each day at 8:00 AM PCT. This will insure that everyone will have a game to play in, and everyone can start roughly at the same time!
Please i would like Feedback!

21:23 Jan 8th, 2016


XP: 179,400
LVL: 9
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Posts: 6

Awesome that will be so much better I've literally been waiting for a game for 2 hours

22:29 Jan 12th, 2016


XP: 3,140,600
LVL: 13
Wins: 44
Posts: 18

Because of the mast increase of Roosevelt Students playing it is becoming very hard to keep up with the amount of Games needed. So please disregard the standard 8:00 AM PCT Games because i just don't have time in the mornings. i will Try to keep up but, i encourage "you guys" to make your own games too, i see that happening and I like that.

23:23 Jan 14th, 2016


XP: 3,140,600
LVL: 13
Wins: 44
Posts: 18

The Password to the game titled "Thepasswordisinthefourm" is "lampshade"


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