
16:53 Aug 8th, 2012 | Edited: 15:57 Aug 8th, 2012


XP: 166,600
LVL: 8
Wins: 2
Posts: 3

Forgotten Games

I was just introduced to this game via another forum


And iv'e noticed that the total amount of people "playing" is a bit over the top. Not to say that the total amount of people playing in the stats is wrong, but whenever i log on now to check and see if anyone is playing there is a serious lack of players. Some lobbies have people staying 'idle' for months!

If i can make a suggestion to the Admin it would be to clean up some dead lobbies, that way new players dont join a game filled with 4 or so people who haven't even made a move in 20
+ days (like i did -.-).

On a different note i look forward to seeing this game grow, a free multiplayer strategy game such as this is gem in an otherwise crumbling community, and i cant wait to start playing all of you!


23:45 Aug 8th, 2012


XP: 350,700
LVL: 10
Wins: 26
Posts: 244

Welcome! :)

I do my best to try and get new players and there's roughly 10-20 new players every day.

Any suggestions on getting new players? I'm definitely going to build better 'pruners' in v2.

00:23 Aug 9th, 2012


XP: 166,600
LVL: 8
Wins: 2
Posts: 3

I would suggest asking people where they heard it from and asking them to spread the game back to the place they heard it from. For example i learned about this game on the introversion forums from a player on the forum.

This seems like the most 'not spamming' idea that i can come up with for free.


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